Category Archive: My Mom

My 2022 Goals Revisited: Giving Tuesday

I’m not sure the origin of Giving Tuesday but I do like it, the idea of giving back to communities that give to you. In honour of Giving Tuesday I donated to Girls On… Continue reading

Celebrating the Moms of your World

Now I would say to all the moms, non-moms, and children out there, please do not judge a woman for what she has to do for her children, like you she’s doing her best. Moms are made of resilience, grace, and tenacity. Moms make us into the adults we are today, for better or for worse. Moms are the glue of a family. Moms are the ones that when you are having a bad day are there for you.

Books changed my life

I remember as a child not enjoying sitting down a book. Maybe it was because we were forced to read certain books in specific categories. Perhaps it was my reading comprehension issues. It was not until I was much older and studying engineering that I really fell in love with reading.

Roll Mama

This is a blog for my mama, this is a blog for your mama, this blog is for you mama or not-a-mama. It’s mama’s day this week, a day to celebrate our mom’s.… Continue reading

A Letter To My Younger Self

I was asked to give the keynote speech at the University of Toronto Blues Engineering Annual Luncheon. It was an honour to meet so many young athletes in a challenging program; these are… Continue reading

In Honour of ‘Love’ Month…

…I thought it would be a good idea to reflect on some of the things that fill my life with love and gratitude. Below is a mix of things that are a part… Continue reading

Woman Up: Happy Mother’s Day 2016

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and amazing women in my life. I am so fortunate to say I am surrounded by amazing women. Last year my gift to my momma was… Continue reading

Happy Mother’s Day

Dear Mom; I was going to write this only to you, but then I thought the world (well the little world that follows me) should know how awesome you are. I have the… Continue reading