Category Archive: Motivation

A Note On Perfection

As a recovering perfectionist, we do, in fact, want to be high achievers. Here is where we get let down. When we falter, fail, or fall down we see ourselves as the problem, it elicits shame. Instead of learning, we tell ourselves we are not good enough and we usually quit whatever we are attempting to do. It’s less painful and easier to not have the ‘right gene’ than to admit we need to work hard.

Celebrating all that it is to be a girl

Did you know that October 11th is the International Day of the Girl? A day to “highlight and address the needs and challenges girls face while promoting girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of… Continue reading

Mathematics is Kind

Math is a kind learning environment for the most part. Those closed-ended questions that students spend much of their time working on provide direct, accurate feedback. If a student is working on a computer than the feedback is immediate. Working with a solutions manual, the feedback can be near immediate.

Happiness is a Choice

Happiness is a practice. In the face of adversity and discomfort, what aspect can you view as positive and joyful? If someone is irritating you, how can you shift your perspective such that their behaviour no longer irritates you? How can you find the ‘good’ in life?

Global Running Day

Today is a day to celebrate all the things related to running. Today is a day to celebrate your running, your friend’s running, and all those that inspire you. It is a day to think about all the joys of running, and yes there are sorrows, but they make the happy moments that much more satisfying.

My Passion for Running Lost its Harmony

“Harmonious passion is when you are enthusiastic about something because you love doing it. Obsessive passion is when you are excited about an endeavour because you love the external validation and recognition it brings.” ~Steve Magness & Brad Stulberg

Procrastination is Not a Sign of Laziness

According to Fiore “procrastination is a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision.” I think we can all relate to that.

Travel Essentials

Travelling can be really fun, even in those hurry-up-and-wait moments if you are prepared for it. There are a few things I never leave home without. Noise Cancelling HeadphonesI have thes super small… Continue reading

I’m recommitting myself to ‘being better.’

While I will falter, make mistakes, even throw a temper tantrum, being better is first apologizing, and then reflecting upon what I did to prevent it in the future. I will try to be noble, to be gracious both in victory and defeat, try to be ethical, and just work to be better.

Roll Mama

This is a blog for my mama, this is a blog for your mama, this blog is for you mama or not-a-mama. It’s mama’s day this week, a day to celebrate our mom’s.… Continue reading