Category Archive: PhD

So this is Burnout

I ignored all of my own advice about rest. So now, I’m asking you to hold me accountable for taking a break. To be ok with not seeing the numbers in Strava. To be ok with being active for the sake of being active, not for the sake of training. To be ok with just doing nothing sometimes, because some times doing nothing is the best course of action.

Celebrate your Successes

After all is said and done with a milestone you have hit in life it is important to celebrate your accomplishment. Before the reflection part, before thinking about what is next, taking that moment to savour all the hard work, dedication and effort to achieve your goal.

What if treated all big life​​ events like races?

Nerves are normal and natural, in fact, they are also a good weapon to have in your arsenal. Being nervous is good for you? Yes, it demonstrates your emotional investment into your task at hand. Learning from what Kelly McGonigal has to say about stress, channelling that nervous energy into something positive can be really beneficial.

The Magic of Mathematics

Imagine we taught math like we taught anything else. Once you learn the alphabet, the doors open to poetry, storytelling, research, the dramatic arts, and so much more. These few brush strokes, and you could be the next Picasso, Monet, Chagall, Jackson Pollack (one of my favourite artists) or pick your favourite artist. Learn that ready position and you could be the next Serena Williams, Megan Rapinoe, Lindsay Vonn, or pick your favourite sports superstar.