Category Archive: Performance Engineer

What if treated all big life​​ events like races?

Nerves are normal and natural, in fact, they are also a good weapon to have in your arsenal. Being nervous is good for you? Yes, it demonstrates your emotional investment into your task at hand. Learning from what Kelly McGonigal has to say about stress, channelling that nervous energy into something positive can be really beneficial.

Imposter Syndrome

I suffer from imposter syndrome. I never think I have prepared enough. I do not believe I belong. I doubt my previous work, I downplay my past accomplishments and successes.

What Happens when​ You’re Nervous

I’ll put my courage pants on today. I’ll remind myself to breathe and believe in my work. My supervisor has been fantastic at telling me how important this work is, the time and effort I have put in, and to believe in what I have accomplished so far.

On (Never) Being Satisfied

In late December I was afforded the opportunity to spend the day with the Milton Heights Racing Program. With no snow on the ground, it made for challenging conditions for training but gave… Continue reading